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You  can  make  a great  environmental  impact with  Your  landscaping  decisions!

The tragic situation of the Monarch butterfly emphasizes why planting an ecology garden is one of the most important and impactful things you can do. After hundreds of thousands of years of fulfilling their remarkable annual migration, the population has collapsed by over 90% in just the last few decades- due to habitat loss, climate change, and harmful pesticide / herbicide use.  Many less well-known / less monitored pollinator species are in similar or worse condition.


You  can  help  hundreds  of  species  with  designs  like  this  that  are  as  beautiful  as  they  are ecologically  beneficial:​​​​

We  design  ecology  gardens  for 

common,  everyday people

Kavanah Conservation understands how much homeowners value their yard space, and the desire to make any landscaped areas look beautiful, low maintenance, and weed-free. Our mission is to help you take a small space (~5-10 foot diameter) and turn it into a super-charged garden that is as attractive as it is ecologically beneficial; and we have done the field testing to establish a list of flowers and shrubs that will take the guess-work out of doing so.  If planted and cared for properly in the first year, the results are extremely rapid and lasting- the ecology gardens you see here are photos taken just 1-3 months after planting, and the flowers are hardy perennials that will come back year after year!

Sept 30 2024 garden photo_edited_edited_

We can all help Mother Nature by utilizing a small portion of our landscape with the National Monarch Dome flower selections and a handful of additional flowers that provides everything hundreds of additional species need to survive, thrive, and raise their young. With enough participation from home and business owners, we can create an inter-connected network of support-pillar ecology gardens and reverse the perilous situation human activity has put them in.

Excellent reasons for planting an ecology garden in your home or business landscape:
  1. You want to help wildlife for all the reasons mentioned above, and love the idea of standing up for wildlife that cannot stand up for themselves without our help

  2. The joy and serenity of watching Nature in action, in your own yard

  3. You have an area of your landscape where weeds constantly take root- planting an ecology garden with the close-packed method utilized in our designs will help prevent these annoying weeds. This also helps avoid the use of chemical weed-killers that can harm and kill our pollinators and birds

  4. These designs are meant to be little to no maintenance- the selected flora are hardy native / native cultivar perennials that should need no additional care after their roots are established in the first year. Simply allow them to decompose naturally every Fall/Winter and they will come back year after year!

  5. You have an area in your landscape that stays consistently moist (sump-pump drainage area or any spot where water flows to and collects)- you can convert it from a swampy mess to a beautiful thriving ecosystem with select ecologically beneficial flora that love such conditions.

  6. You will be rewarded with the unmistakable happiness we can hear in the songbirds and see in the pollinators as they fulfill their purpose in life and work tirelessly to help our crops and flowers thrive. Here is a small sample of the plethora of beautiful pollinators and wildlife that you are likely to see visiting- your garden will help provide what they need to survive, thrive, and raise their children to be happy and healthy too!

Condensed collage of pollinators_edited.
Your ecology garden  designed by Kavanah Conservation will look so fantastic and likely buzzing with so much activity that you will be delighted with the results - and can inspire many more people in your community to plant one. Human activity has placed monarchs and so many other forms of wildlife in a tragic situation- these ecology gardens provide a simple, practical, enjoyable, and beautiful way to be part of the solution!
If you would like to become an Authorized Nursery or Landscape company, you can receive an exact list of the flora we utilize for various growing conditions, layout/designs, and soil amendment / planting tips to delight wildlife and your customers for many years to come. To get in touch, please email us at:  together we can make a huge positive impact and lasting legacy of doing the right things for the right reasons!
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