The National Monarch Dome

The National Monarch Dome

Why Your Participation is Essential
In addition to helping reverse the tragic population loss, many monarchs have been displaced from their original migration routes due to habitat loss, climate change, and various other human activities; with enough participation by home and business owners, we can restore many of these routes and create new ones!
Because changing weather patterns can change their migration routes every year, the National Monarch Dome will provide the indomitable fortress needed to ensure they can thrive no matter what. The selected flowers also benefit the non-migrating summer broods of monarchs plus many other types of pollinators so your efforts will be rewarded throughout the seasons.
The Super-Star Powers of these Flowers
Because there are so few monarchs left, each support pillar must include at least one super-attractor to give you the best chance for them to find and utilize it; and include at least 1-2 native milkweeds as these are the ONLY host plants that they can lay their eggs on.
Imagine the sadness that mom monarchs must feel when they cannot find the milkweed required to have their children - we must help them so that she will instead feel the wonderful joy of fulfilling her final mission in life!
The Super-Star Selections for Your Landscape
The Miracles of the Monarch Migration and Life Cycle that Each Pillar of the Dome will Support
1. The autumn migration, that starts around August in the Northern USA / Canada. This brood will travel on an incredible 1,000 to 3,000 mile journey to the mountains of Mexico (east of the Rocky Mountains) and to the coast of California (west of the Rocky Mountains). Everyone’s support pillar throughout the USA will help provide the food-nectar energy they need to reach their destination
2. In the Spring, this brood heads back North and MUST find milkweed in the southern parts of the USA on which to lay their eggs. How incredibly sad to have made this long journey only to be the last of their generation because mom monarchs cannot find any milkweed to lay their eggs. We have the power to provide the joy she deserves to fulfill her final mission in life- those of you in the southern half of the USA please take note of how important it is for you to have milkweed in your support pillars to enable this miraculous legacy to live on!
3. The brood born on this milkweed in the southern USA will then travel North; there will be around 3-4 additional broods (generations) born throughout the summer, each of which lives only 4-5 weeks. Without milkweed, these broods will be the last of their generation because the parents have nothing to lay their eggs on. And just as our children have the best chance of survival when we as parents and they as developing youth have a balanced diet and are healthy, so too is it with each generation of monarchs – the selected flowers in your support pillars throughout the Monarch Dome in the northern half of the USA will help do exactly that throughout the summer- ultimately leading to the healthiest and highest possible population of monarchs born in August that will travel the incredible 1,000-3,000 mile journey and live for 8-9 months to repeat one of Nature’s most amazing and delicate lifecycles
Plant your individual support pillar for the
National Monarch Dome and create a legacy of human compassion united in saving our beloved monarchs!